Lab-on-a-chip: principle, technology and applications
Graça Minas
Center for MicroElectromechanical Systems
Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém, Guimarães 4800-058, Portugal
Lab-on-a-chip (a laboratory of clinical analysis on a chip) has played,
over recent decades, a significant role in biomedical, pharmaceutical, and
environmental monitoring applications. Particularly, since the fluidic
microsystems technologies for diagnosis applications tend to produce low-cost
devices with low power consumption, they have an extremely enhanced potential
for being used as point-of-care devices, for the detection and quantification
of several biomolecules in physiological fluids, as well as for determining
fluid properties. These miniaturized systems have been designed to operate as
analytical devices able to perform all the required processes of a sample
analysis: manipulation, transport, and control of fluid samples, as well as
detection and readout electronics.
This presentation approached the microtechnologies, microfluidics,
miniaturization and on-chip integration of optical detection to perform a
complete lab-on-a-chip device, focusing on the background and advantages of the
different techniques, as well as their disadvantages and challenges for
diagnosis applications. Additionally, it included an overview of different
applications towards point-of-care devices for biological fluids analysis that
were performed in the Lab-on-a-chip group at CMEMS-UMinho, specially,
Lab-on-a-chip for salivary cortisol monitoring, Lab-on-a-chip for phytoplankton
identification and quantification, Lab-on-a-chip for seawater pH determination,
and Lab-on-a-chip for cells deformability.