Atmospheric pollution: an increasing public health problem in Europe
Luís Martins
METRICS, University of Minho
In the last 30 years most of the EU policies towards
gaseous emissions were focused on the reduction of Greenhouse gas (GHGs)
emissions. The effect of the major air pollutants on human health was
repeatedly neglected. This resulted in poor air quality in most of the European
cities that led to air pollution currently being the 3rd cause of
death in the EU. According to the
European Environment Agency (EEA), air pollution is causing around 500,000
premature deaths in Europe every year.
The premature deaths are due to two key pollutants,
fine particulates PM2.5s and the toxic NOx gases (nitrogen oxides). People in
urban areas are especially at risk, with around 85% exposed to fine particulate
matter PM2.5 at levels deemed harmful by the World Health Organization (WHO).
These particles are too small to see or smell, but have a devastating impact
and can cause or aggravate heart disease, asthma and lung cancer. The main
cause of poor air quality is urban traffic and the high percentage of Diesel
vehicles in Europe.
After a description of the main GHGs by importance,
the presentation follows with a summary of the main atmospheric pollutants.
Relevance is given to CO, NOx, particulate matter - associated to POPs
(persistent organic pollutants) and heavy metals – and radon gas. The wrong
public perception that CO2 is harmful to the human health is
The European Dieselgate is presented where it is shown
that the EU certification of car emissions (currently under review) has no
credibility and led to conflicts among institutions: the main European cities
are now struggling to fulfil the air quality standards and being subjected to
large EU fines!
During more than 30 years the EU has been
incentivizing Diesel cars, supposedly for the reduction of CO2
emissions, which resulted in the above mentioned public health scandal. In
fact, already in 2012, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC -
which is part of the WHO), classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to
humans of Group 1 (the worse group), based on sufficient evidence that exposure
is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer. This indicates that
Diesel fumes are two orders of magnitude worse than the corresponding emissions
from gasoline engines.
The work concludes that the fastest way to improve air
quality in urban areas is by changing from Diesel vehicles towards gasoline,
LPG or NG hybrid electric vehicles followed by fully electric mobility.
The transformation towards electric mobility should
start in the urban transport system. Nevertheless, in terms of CO2
emissions and other pollutants, Well-to-Wheel and Live Cycle Analysis (LCA)
should be taken into account. The rapid renovation from general Diesel vehicles
to Natural Gas hybrid vehicles should be implemented in the short term for
long-range transportation.
some European countries (e.g. Portugal) the effect of the Radon gas
ground/building emissions on public health seems to be relevant and should be
further investigated.